Thursday, 24 October 2013

More grim sides of gardening...

Nature or nightmare? Wild or just weed? Pet or pest?
More garden moans...

Why did I bother getting down on hands and knees into 2012's muddy sludge on all those miserable occasions? Why did I bother trying to carry out that silly vision of mine: trying to clear the ditch at the back of our garden and conjure up a sweep of colour in such a corner? Why did I bother battling with those brambles, bracing myself to the stinging nettles, thrusting fingers and thumbs into those thorny bushes time and time again? Why on earth did I fork out on all those packets of pansies - even if they were '3 for 2' at the supermarket? Why did I make any attempt at all to bring such an unnatural feature as colour into that soggy, brown stream-bed, against all the odds, only to have it instantly drowned out by the usual weeds, floodwater, and - yes - cat mess? And read mess in the plural - the multiple, please. That of n
ext door's beloved, I'm talking about, and he's just deposited another to greet me on this bright, fresh autumn morning! 

Last year the creature drove me to scrawl a rhyme about it, which I'll be putting up on my Gardening page soon; this year I'm past poetic comment; next year I'll let the ditch just be a ditch, and save my energy for shovelling.

Cats indoors are a different kettle of fish, of course, as are weeds in fields, and garden dreams in heads.

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