Thursday, 5 December 2013

Poems for Presents?

Recession-busting Xmas presents - poems!

Let's face it, we can't afford Christmas presents any more. And anyway, we're all agreed that the thing's got out of hand, aren't we? I've just received our village's Xmas newsletter, in which the vicar tells us all we're getting too greedy and forgetting the poor. Well, some of us are the poor, actually, and I'm switching from presents to poems this year for some of my old pals. 

A poem doesn't have to be long, rhyming, or clever in any way. The fact that it's yours, for them, will suffice. It doesn't have to be dull either. It could be:

a riddle
a joke
a parody
a complilation of shared quotes, jokes or references
a tongue-twister
a shape poem, written round a sketch
a sketch of the other kind - comedy dialogue
a haiku (3 lines, 17 syllables: 5, 7, 5)
a tanka (similar but extended)
an acrostic - you know - those ones that go down as well as across
a carol with word-changes
a famous poem with word-changes
a cartoon (dropping the poetic element?)
a crossword 
a rhyming couplet 
a song - with accompanying notes on stave, and perhaps a recording
Er... Your turn.

If you don't feel any of these would count, embellish them with a little decoration; mount them on coloured card and add ribbon, sequins, beads, sticky stars, buttons - anything you can find; wrap it up in numerous scraps of old wrapping paper/foil/envelopes and tie it up with mountains of string or ribbons; email them with accompanying artwork via 'Paint'; recite them and email recordings; do a deal, arranging a mutual creative exchange in lieu of bought gift.

If wanting rhymes, here are a few words to rhyme with 'way' (as in 'Christmastime is on the way' perhaps) to set the ball rolling:

hooray/say/pay/day/grey/delay/ebay/array/disarray/dismay/fray/obey/disobey/lay/Milktray/stay/pray/spray/chardonnay/motorway/okay/Special K/neigh/nay/no way... etc.

Have fun!


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