Sunday, 24 May 2015

Half Term Word Hunts

Hi again, and happy half term if you're in the UK, or anywhere else currently enjoying a school break!

If you're a parent, this is an ideal opportunity to spur your children's reading development. Here are some suggestions. Pick and choose to suit your child's age, reading level, interests and opportunities:

1.  Point out car number plates and prompt for their letters, or the sounds they make. Do they combine to make a funny-sounding word, or a real one? Do any of the letters match the initials of any family members?

2.  Ask your child to read out information on packets, cans or bottles for you, on shopping expeditions or at home. You could ask for the ingredients, cooking instructions, serving suggestion, 'Best before' date, or specified flavour.

3.  Going on holiday? Involve your child in map reading or checking road names, signposts or directions on your 'sat nav' system.

4.  Pick up a free newspaper or 'What's on' and ask your child to check an item of information in it. (This could be anything from the headline to the weather forecast or TV listings for the day.) If not ready for this level of reading, help him work out one of the more child-appropriate headlines, or to spot a word or letter they've come across elsewhere.

5.  Out and about in town?  Play 'I spy' with a chosen letter or word. The word might be 'Menu', 'Danger', 'Open', 'Push', or 'Exit', for instance. For more able readers, check and discuss the menu contents as you pass, or look out for longer, more challenging words like 'Restauraunt', 'Pedestrians' or 'Information'.

6.  Read a book, story or poem aloud to your child, sharing a word or two, or taking it in turns to read.

7.  Read yourself! There's nothing like setting an example to encourage your children to do the same!

Tip - obvious, of course, but not always when one's trying to do eight things at once to a deadline: act natural, showing interest in the subject on your child's level; you're not their teacher (unless you're one of the rare exceptions!), and he doesn't want a lesson from anyone in his half term break - least of all from a parent!

Have good week!

KateMore @

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