Sunday 9 March 2014

More humour

This is just to say I've added a few of my light, fun-poking rhymes to my
Humorous page, with more to come soon.

I have an ever-rising stack of them at home - or rather, various stacks in various rooms, with scraps and scribbles forever fluttering around my bed, where most of my ideas begin - on my reading lamp table, under the pillow, the bed, the previous day's yet-to-put-away-clothes, some jottings later ending their days a few feet away, in the bin. 

The roots of these little rhymes, though, spring not from rest but from up-and-about times: from life in our topsy-turvy world of so-called mod-cons and 'state of the art' super-duper living standards, where absurdities are two-a-penny - or rather, with our soaring inflation, one-a-tenner. 

A few decades ago, for instance, I wouldn't have even been writing this blog: wouldn't have been hunched over this little, rectangular, headache-inducing screen, unable to drag myself away from its bizarre lure despite the time of night. No, I'd have been walking off my insomnia round my moonlit garden - better tended and prettier in those days - basking in the cool, fresh air, the twinkly welcome of the stars, the hushed murmurings of furtive and fascinating wildlife: living real life, not virtual. That's how absurd we've got. Okay, I've got - not you, perhaps! Some of us are still, just about, hi-tech-independent, thank goodness.

But even I've had enough of this white screen glare now, so adieu until my next post. Meanwhile, if hungry for humour, you'll find various scraps amongst previous postings here, as well as on other pages, especially the gardening one.


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